Life is about choices. You can choose to hate Valentine's Day, ignore it, or embrace it. Is it commercialized? Absolutely. But who said you had to buy an expensive piece of jewelery or a card or candy and flowers? Make a card, write a little note, pick flowers, make dinner, just do something thoughtful for SOMEONE - it is good for your soul.
This morning when I went to buy my nephews a little Valentine's treat, the store was filled with exacerbated men shaking their head and sighing as they read through card after card. Don't put yourself through the stress. You know how you feel, write it down and give it to the person you're thinking about, or tell them to their face. It is not supposed to be a stressful holiday.
When I saw my nephews this morning, the two-year old looked at me from his booster seat and said all on his own (my sister translated) "Happy Valentine's Day Auntie." My face lit up and so did his. Everyone needs a little love in their lives every day, so why not spread around a little extra on February 14th.
The silver lining on Valentine's Day, if it is not your favorite day, is someone out there is thinking about you and loves you. I'm sure you're thinking about someone too. You have a Valentine even if you don't know it. If you are lucky enough to be with your Valentine this year, take the pressure off. Celebrate love not gifts. Celebrate time together.
The history of Valentine's Day...one legend at least, my favorite one that I found.
The history of Valentine's Day — and its patron saint — is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
Book suggestion: The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
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